Advent & Mental Health: Pt. 2

War and Peace… and More Peace

Last week, we spent time talking about and activating the power of our mind that God created for us to use in a positive life giving way. One of the things that happens when we hope in God is that we get the Peace of God.

In scripture, there are two types of commands, the “to do’s” and the “do not’s”. If we believe God is a good father, then we know that good parents give their children instructions for their good. It is good for a child to sleep when told, to eat vegetables and to stay out of the street so a parent says “DO go to bed”, “DO eat your vegetables” and “do NOT go into the street.”

God is so good that he gives us rules in order for us to thrive and live at peace, when we do the things God tells us NOT to do our shalom or peace is removed. If we do the things he tells us TO DO, our peace is restored. If sin is involved, there is a little more to it like confession and repentance, but God is pretty good in the fact that he has told us how to find peace- it is up to us to listen. describes peace as “freedom from disturbance; tranquility” and “a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.”

So, how do we do that- how do we get freedom from disturbance and end the inner war?

Last week, we started with our thoughts and I think we continue in the same space- What thoughts bring you peace? What thoughts take that away?

Then, we go to actions: What actions bring you peace? What actions take that away?

Then, we even look at people: What people bring you peace? What thoughts take that away?

Prayer Activity:

Take time now to speak these verses over yourself with full faith that the God of the universe will lead you into true peace.

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”
2 Thessalonians 3:16


Advent & Mental Health: Pt. 3


Advent & Mental Health: Pt. 1