The Power Text: Part 3

A magician never reveals his secrets…

So… I hate magicians. I know I know… it’s sad!

But, I have this weird thing where I hate to be lied to and watching magicians, no matter how skilled they are, makes me feel deceived- they literally practice over and over how to trick you and make you think something is magic that really isn’t. They are skilled liars and they pride themselves on keeping us in the dark. 

SO SORRY if you love magicians!!

Satan does the same thing. He has a set of lies that he knows he can trick us with every single time. It started in the garden when he first tricked Eve and he hasn’t stopped since. His lies are so practiced, proven and powerful that he can rob us of our joy and power using only words. He is good…. But God is better.

A magician never reveals his secrets but Satan, the father of lies, every lie he has ever told has been exposed.

In Psalms 91 when we see the imagery of flaming arrows being shot at us or deadly pestilence stalking us, it may be easy to set that aside and say “oh, this doesn’t apply to me” but it does. Satan may not be shooting arrows physically but he is shooting lies.

His lies have the same effect of a flaming arrow. They stop you, hurt you and render you helpless and hopeless in battle. There are three specific ways Satan attempts to do so.

  1. The lie that God is not good— leads us to doubt.

  2. The lie that we have no standing, to ask God for anything —----- leads us to step out of relationship and partner with sin.

  3. The lie that prayer has no power—-- leads us to not pray.

The Truth:

  1. God is so good. I read a quote recently, “God would make the same decision you would for your life, if you had all the information he has.” He isn’t withholding, he wants the very best for you like you want for your kids.

  2. We have standing in the kingdom of God. Just like when a child walks into there parents office- no matter what job that parent has, that child has standing. He has a right to be there based on nothing he has done but on his relation alone.

  3. The enemy knows the power of prayer, and he wants to stop us. When I was researching for my book on prayer I ran across a story about a battle where a nation had set up and prepared for their enemies attack and even had priests set up on a hill to pray over the battle. When the enemy arrived, their leader saw the priests and when he called his troops to attack, he told them, “kill the priests first”. This enemy leader is the same as our real life enemy leader, he knew the power of prayer.

Try it!

One of the assignments I give in my book is to pray and ask for nothing- to really build that report and relationship to give you to confidence to walk in and ask when it is time to- asking should not be the meat of our relationship.

Spend time reading back over Ps 91 and just talk to God about it and try not to ask. Just talk to him!


Advent & Mental Health: Pt. 1


The Power Text: Part 2